Monday, February 27, 2012

Mango Cardamom Jam

This is insane.

Not only do I hate mangoes, but I don't even know what cardamom is besides edible.  So, you can imagine my shock from being completely entranced by this little jar of goodness.

It all started when I went out to begin my weekend ritual, starting with a turkey sandwich from the local Pennsylvania Dutch store.  If you have ever been to a food store run by Amish or Mennonite communities, you will understand how delicious everything in there really is.  As I was waiting patiently for my turn in a ridiculously long line (just so you fully understand how craveable these sandwiches really are), I was perusing a wall of jams and jellies when I found this little treasure.

Don't ask me why I bought it.  As I said, I don't like mangoes.  I don't comprehend cardamom.

Then again, I hate olives, but I'll eat them on pizza.  I hate tomatoes, but love everything tomato-based.  I hate cherries, but love cherry-flavored anything.  I hate mangoes, but I loves mango cardamom jam.

It's ok.  I don't understand it either.

All I know is I am currently broke and  knee-deep in out-of-season mangoes and cardamom pods.  I've undertaken the arduous task of canning because it's much more time-consuming and complicated than driving back to the store for another jar.

Logic?  Where are you hiding?

Mango Cardamom Jam
(adapted from Closet Cooking)

4 cups mango
1 box pectin
5 1/2 cups sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp ground cardamom

Boil the mangoes and pectin on high heat.

Add sugar, lemon juice and cardamom and boil for one minute.

Remove from heat and stir for 5-7 minutes.

Skim the foam off of the top of the mixture and pour into sterilized canning jars.

Listening to:   OutKast - Bombs Over Baghdad

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