Thursday, January 26, 2012

Poached Pears with Vanilla Chai Sauce

Mmmm ... no cheese.

It's a curse to be as incredibly lactose tolerant as I am.  It makes it very difficult to resist the stuff.  But I'm doing my best.  Trying to incorporate some fruit in my diet.  Well, fruit and sugar.

Hey, at least it's not cheese.

Hubbs loves pears.  I can take 'em or leave 'em usually.  I like my fruit a little on the tart side, and pears have a mellow sweetness that's a little too tame for me.

But, in an effort to pretend that I'm a ridiculously amazing chef, I've been looking for some delicious pear recipes to try.

Now, I hesitate to say that the Hubbalubba is a picky eater.  He does enjoy trying new foods.  He's just an unpredictable eater.  Eclectic, maybe?  He just doesn't have a middle ground for cuisine.  He either loves it and wants it three times a day for a week... or, he despises it.

Pears are on his LOVE list, so I've got to start getting more creative.  I have a feeling they will be a permanent fixture in our fruit bowl.

Poached Pears in Vanilla Chai Sauce
(adapted from David Lebovitz)

1 quart water
4 Bosc pears, peeled, quartered and cored
1 cup vanilla sugar
1/2 cup Chai mix

In a large pan, combine water, sugar and Chai mix.  Heat the mixture on medium and stir to dissolve the sugar.

Add the pears to the water.  Make sure none of the pear quarters are sticking out of the water.

Bring the mixture to a boil.  Then reduce to a simmer.

Poach the pears until they are fork tender, about 20 minutes.  Remove from heat and allow pears and syrup to cool together.

To serve, I like to accompany the pears with a dollop of vanilla ice cream.  Drizzle the syrup over both the pears and the ice cream.

Listening to:   Adele - Set Fire To The Rain

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