Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ice Cream Bread

Why, yes, you did read that correctly.

When I first found out about this recipe a couple months ago, I was intrigued to say the least.  It's a pretty standard format for the recipe, but with all of the different ice cream flavors out there, the possibilities seem pretty endless.  And I'm a big fan of endless possibilities.

For my ice cream bread experiment, I decided to break out the mini loaf pans.  I love these pans because they make me feel like I'm good at portion control, even though I know I'm really not.  If it's a big family get together, then sure, I'll dish out the bread from the big kid loaf pan.  But if it's just me and the Hubbs, I like having one out in plain view, and two loaves in the freezer where I can immediately get them.

Anyway, I tried this out with three flavors.  One Maple Walnut, one Moose Tracks, and one Heavenly Hash.

Here are the results of my experiment:

1) This recipe is incredibly easy.  Most recipes call for 1 1/2 cups of self-rising flour.  I didn't have this on hand, so I substituted the ingredients below to get the same result.  I basically limit my flour purchases to white all-purpose and whole wheat, and didn't see the need to break into the piggy bank for another kind.

2) The Ice Cream Bread, while easy and tasty, can be somewhat bland.  It all really depends on the flavor of ice cream you use.  I've been experimenting lately with constructing my own homemade extracts, so next time, I think I may try including 1 tsp of flavor extract for a boost.

3) Along the same line, I think throwing in some additional ingredients where you see fit might also work to your benefit.  For example, the Maple Walnut could have used more walnuts, so I think I'd chop up a few extra next time.  You could also try sprucing up the flavor with a glaze, syrup or struesel.

4) I didn't notice a difference between the low-fat and full-fat ice creams in terms of texture.  I do recommend using store-bought ice cream, but that's a personal preference to me.  I can't see wasting 2 cups of fresh ice cream if you like making your own at home.

All in all, this was a really neat recipe to try.  I can't wait to start work on some more interesting and creative ice cream breads!

Ice Cream Bread
(adapted from The Hungry Housewife)

2 cups ice cream, melted
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
Any additional fillings or flavor extracts

Preheat oven 350F.

Grease one large loaf pan, or three smaller loaf pans.

Mix all of the ingredients together in a large bowl.  Pour into the loaf pans.

Bake for 45 minutes.  Let cool.  Garnish with toppings as desired.

Listening to:  Lil Wayne - Ice Cream Paint Job

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