Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Banana Boats

Let me tell you a story.

My bestest friend went into the air force last year.  He shipped off clear across the country for training and we now communicate primarily over the phone across a three-hour time difference.  Since I've never been to the west coast, I'm forced to live vicariously through him as he explores everything the pacific side has to offer.  It was during a free weekend on a California beach that he texted me a photo of a banana boat.  Roasted over a bonfire, the contents of that banana peel made me instantly drool.

I was determined to try it for myself.

Now, I don't really know if this qualifies as a full-fledged recipe.  It's more of a general outline followed by my sincere permission to go nuts.  Put anything you want in these banana boats.  As long as you don't go for meat or vegetables, I don't think you could screw these bananas up.  Whatever you choose will taste absolutely fantastic.

This is going to be a staple of all of my future barbeques and bonfires.

Banana Boats

4 bananas
1/2 cup mini marshmallows
1/2 cup roughly chopped nuts
1/2 cup chocolate, peanut butter and/or butterscotch chips
1/2 cup coconut

Cut a slit in the banana peel lengthwise.  Open the peel to form a pocket over the banana.  Divide all the toppings into four portions and insert into the banana peel.

Wrap each banana in aluminum foil so that the slit is facing upward, but still exposed.  Place each banana on a grill or on a skillet over an open fire.

Cook until the marshmallows are browned and the banana peel is blackened and soft.  Eat right out of the banana peel with a spoon.

Listening to:   Lady Antebellum - Just A Kiss

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