Friday, May 11, 2012

Batter Pancakes

You're going to hate me.

I'm going to do that thing I do sometimes where I include commercially available products into a homemade meal.  And you're probably thinking that I'm going to do it with products containing harmful chemicals and weird artificial flavors and whatnot.

Well, you're half right.

I am inviting you into the world of cake batter, brownie batter and red velvet batter.  Specifically.

But here's my defense.  I really did try long and hard to figure out a way to bring you these recipe sans boxed mix.  Maybe it's my tastebuds, or a product of growing up on boxed cake, but nothing, in my opinion, gives you the genuine cake batter taste like boxed mix.  It works.

And, it's convenience.  Diehard foodies may disagree, but I think that sometimes, when you're making a fun, frivolous dish like brownie batter pancakes (a recipe you should definitely not make a part of your daily breakfast), it's okay to skip a couple steps.  In my experience, people are generally more impressed that you combined red velvet cake and pancakes to worry about whether the red velvet is from scratch.  As long as your actual red velvet cakes aren't boxed, you should be fine.

On a side note, I did use boxed mix from a local whole foods store.  I think the results came out pretty much to my expectations so if you feel more comfortable using more natural mixes than traditional name brands, go for it.  You may even find that you like it better.

Now, back to the pancakes.

Even though I am 100% certain that I could make these with any boxed mix and they would be equally fantastic.  Lemon?  Butter pecan?  Strawberry?  Spice?  The ideas are endless.

I chose the three above for distinct reasons.  The cake batter is an obvious choice because people are becoming increasingly more crazed with the flavor of raw cake batter combined with rainbow sprinkles.  Red velvet was a winner because A) it's my favorite, and B) I really wanted to know if the vibrant color from a boxed mix would come through.  And brownie batter was picked because the ratio of wet to dry ingredients is different in brownies than in cake, so I wanted to see if brownie batter would require a different recipe.

This blog is turning into a research paper with every stroke on the keyboard.

Anyway, here are the results from my first experiment of the week.  Batter flavored pancakes.

Check it out!

Batter Pancakes

1 cup flour
1 cup boxed mix
1 cup milk
2 eggs
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
Sprinkles!  (optional)

Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl until smooth.  Ladle the mixture onto a hot skillet or griddle on medium heat.

Watch for bubbles to form at the edge of the pancakes.  When you see this, attempt to flip the pancakes.  Cook the other side until they are completely done.

For best results, use one of the glazes below:

Cake Batter Glaze:
1 cup Confectioner's sugar
2 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp vanilla

Brownie Batter Glaze:
1 cup Confectioner's sugar
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1/4 cup milk

Red Velvet Glaze:
1/4 brick Cream Cheese, softened
1/2 cup Confectioner's sugar
1 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp vanilla

Listening to:  Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody

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