Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cilantro Limeade

One of the drawbacks of the foodblog era is that it's hard to come up with a 100% original idea.  Every time I think, "no one has ever tried this before", I check google and find a million search results that prove me wrong.  

Such was the case with this cilantro limeade.  At first, I was trying to figure out a way to substitute my favorite store-bought limeade concentrate can with something natural and homemade.  You know, for every recipe that I make that starts with "margarita".  Happens a lot.

Then, I got thinking about how I good cilantro and lime go together.  Cilantro lime chicken?  Rice?  Salad dressing?

The combo of sweet, but sour lime flavor with a fresh burst of cilantro is good on everything, so why should it not be good on its own?

As it turns out, I'm not the first person to make this hypothesis.

Nonetheless, I tried it for myself with outstanding results. I made a big batch of concentrated limeade syrup to freeze and use for margaritas and lime-flavored treats.  Then, I tried out a little limeade with the added cilantro.

This is an absolutely perfect, thirst-quenching compliment to a super hot day in New York.

Cilantro Limeade

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 cup fresh cilantro
1 1/2 cups lime juice
6 cups water

Combine the sugar and 1 cup water in a saucepan on medium low.  Allow the mixture to simmer until all of the sugar is completely dissolved. 

Remove from heat and add the cilantro.  Let steep until the mixture is room-temperature.

Add the lime juice.  (At this point, the concentrate is done.  You can freeze for later.)

When ready to serve, add the concentrate and 6 cups of water in a large pitcher of ice.

Garnish with the cilantro and lime wedges.

Listening to:   KISS - I Wanna Rock & Roll All Night

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