Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad

I can't let things go.

When I get hooked on something, I leech on like a, well, like a leech.

I've been eating ridiculous amounts of this Chicken Caesar Salad lately.  As far as salads go, it's really not the healthiest choice I could be making.  But, I started my salad journey sucking down only iceberg lettuce, which has literally no nutritional value.  Making the jump to romaine lettuce is a big step in the right direction for me.

On another healthy eating note, we have been sucking down massive amounts of venison lately.  As red meat goes, this stuff is probably the best for you considering how incredibly lean it is.  We tried marinating a piece of neck roast in homemade Caesar dressing, but it really didn't impart nearly as much flavor as I'd hoped (back to the drawing board with that one...), but I already had the dressing out so I started playing around in the kitchen while the venison cooked on the grill.

Basically, without sounding like the laziest bum that ever puttered in a kitchen, I took some leftover Caesar salad and tossed in some leftover egg noodles.  I tossed it together and come up with what became the highlight of the meal.

After toying with the ingredients a bit, I finalized this recipe and developed what I consider a clever little twist on salad that could be a hit at summer barbeques this year.  As someone who loves pasta salad, and now loves Caesar salad, the combination of the two may very well be quite dangerous for me when BBQ and pool party season starts up.

This is definitely an interesting variation of traditional pasta salad that works well as a side for anything, but I definitely recommend it with grilled goodies like chicken, beef or venison.

Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad

1 lb. chicken, cooked and shredded
1 lb. short pasta, cooked and drained
4 cups chopped romaine lettuce
2 - 3 cups croutons
1 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 - 1 1/2 cups Caesar dressing

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.  Add dressing last, just prior to serving.

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