Friday, February 7, 2014

Apple Sharlotka

Today marks the first official day of the 2014 Winter Olympics.

I can't really say for sure which Olympics are my favorite.  It seems like whichever one is coming up next is my favorite.  Even as I type this recipe out, I'm watching the Opening Ceremonies.  I'm also taking breaks between typing to wolf down slice after slice of this Apple Sharlotka.

It's supposedly a Russian delicacy, but I'm too enthralled in the food, the blogging and the television to bother with researching dessert origins right now.

My biggest thought while watching this is not even about the Olympics, but more about the fashion.  I know, I'm such a girl, sometimes.  But, seriously, can't we make the official outfits a little more fashionable.  I mean, you're representing a whole country in a world-wide competition.  We need to get the same company that does the Oregon Ducks football uniforms or something.  If you're not familiar, look it up because they look AWESOME.  We need to stand out and wow the world.  You know, besides our athletic ability and stuff...

Ok, I'm done. 

Anyway, I didn't expect to post this because I don't usually write posts like this.  Truthfully, I'm just not a big cake fan.  Really, I'm not a big baker, so when I find a cake that works for me and tastes good, you know it's really something special and I'm going to share it with you.

This cake is not a cake, though.  Not in my world, anyway.  This is so moist and full of apples that it's like a pie with bits of cake running through it.  That definition may not sound appealing, but it's actually super good.  And, I definitely American-ed it up with a ton of extra spice reminiscent of mom's Apple Pie so it's sharper and more flavorful than the first time I made it. 

Get into the Sochi Olympic spirit and get your apples out for this dessert!

Apple Sharlotka
(adapted from Smitten Kitchen)

6 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and sliced
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
Confectioner's sugar for dusting

Preheat oven 350F.

Toss the sliced apples in lemon juice, cinnamon and nutmeg.

Pour apples into a greased 9-inch springform pan.

In a mixer, beat eggs, flour, sugar and vanilla together to form a batter.

Pour batter over apples.

Bake for 1 hour, or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.  Let cool completely.  Dust with Confectioner's sugar before serving.

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