Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hasselback Potatoes

It's becoming harder and harder to get excited about carbs.
Everytime I turn around, there is a new study or tabloid advertising the benefits of no-carb living.  Every celebrity seems to have a gluten allergy these days.  And, every diabetic and non-diabetic person on the planet is spouting off about how stable their blood sugars are without simple sugars in their diet.
Bread... I can live without it.  I mean, the only real reason it is such a staple in my diet is the fact that it's the one thing you can hold onto when eating with your hands.  Think pizza or sandwiches. 
Pasta... I'm slightly more dependent.  Although, I don't really feel like pasta has a taste.  I'm more interested in the sauce and the pasta is just the vessel that delicious goo travels on.  Plus, it's more filling.  Without it, marinara is more like chunky tomato soup.
Even white sugar, unless it's in my holy milk chocolate, is less than a priority on my food chain.  I like sweets, but nothing too sweet.  And sugary candies don't do anything for me.  Like I said, chocolate is all I need.
Potatoes are a gray area for most.  As a vegetable, it's great.  As a starchy veg, not so much.  But potatoes are one carb I really can't resist, no matter what shape or form.  Mashed, smashed, baked, fried and any other way humanly possible to eat potatoes --- I'm in.
I've never made Hasselback potatoes before, but they remind me a bit like scalloped potatoes - butter and cheese oozing in between slices of rich, starchy goodness.  And, with the sour cream and chives, it's like a loaded baked potato.  So, it's essentially the two best ways to eat potatoes rolled into one.

Hasselback Potatoes
4 Russet Potatoes
1 brick cheddar cheese
1/2 stick butter
Sour cream, for garnish
Diced chives, for garnish

Preheat oven 375F.
Clean each potato with a brush.
Cut 1/4" slits into the potatoes, careful not to cut completely through the potato.
Cut butter into thin slices and do the same with 1/2 of the brick of cheddar.
Alternate sliding the cheese and butter into the slits made in the potatoes. 
Bake for 45 minutes.
Shred the remaining cheddar.  Top the cooked potatoes with the shredded cheese and return to oven for additional 10-15 minutes.
Garnish with sour cream and chives.

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