Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chocolate Microwave Fudge

Want some big news?

Well, I've been keeping this on the hush-hush for a while now, but with construction starting today, it's going to be pretty obvious.  We're getting underway on building our own house from scratch!  The floor plans, the garage, the patio and everything, all designed by the Hubbs and me.

Hopefully, it will be ready for habitation by Christmas.  And, if you ask why it's taken until almost October for this to happen, I will kindly point you to my other half.  He's not the most organized fellow you'll ever come across, but I can't help but love him anyway.

Thinking about this Christmas deadline left me wondering about what kinds of goodies I would be able to cook up in my brand new, way bigger kitchen with way more cool stuff.  Hopefully, I'm good at Christmas cookie-making because I've never tried before, but I'd definitely like to start.

I've got a few friends who are into the whole cookie-sharing thing and now that I'm going to be moving closer to them, I think it's the perfect excuse for trying out new recipes and making up some yummy confections for the Holidays.

The first thing that came to my mind was fudge.  It seems like such a wintery, Christmas-y kind of sweet.  Chocolate fudge is one of my top favorites, up there with peanut butter and hazelnut.  Sadly, or pathetically, I've never made my own chocolate fudge.

This year, I've made a Christmas resolution to change that.  I'm starting with this recipe, an all-too-easy, no-catch, microwaveable fudge that will jump-start the fudge-making for the season.  This was so easy and came out like something you'd pay good money for.  Smooth and bursting with chocolate flavor, this might actually be my go-to recipe when I need a quick pan of sweets for a Holiday gathering.  Nobody will know it's not some fancy, schmancy store-bought delight.

Chocolate Microwave Fudge
(adapted from Daydream Kitchen)

3 cups powdered sugar
1 cup cocoa
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla

Combine all ingredients into a microwave-safe bowl.

Microwave on high for 1.5 - 2 minutes.

Stir the contents of the bowl completely until the mixture is homogenous.

Pour into a 9x13 pan and refrigerate until hard.

Listening to:   Trace Adkins - Chrome

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