Thursday, July 16, 2015

Carrot Cezerye


I love trying new recipes.  I love finding strange and exotic recipes to try.

When I saw this recipe for a Turkish dessert called Cezerye, I was intrigued.  My initial thought was that maybe this had a carrot cake taste to it, but it's a lot deeper and sweeter than that.

I didn't know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised with the way that this turned out.

I do need to add that I didn't get a good batch until the third attempt.  For me, time management has always eluded me in the kitchen.  I didn't stir this enough the first two times and I ended up producing a concoction that was dark orange and sweet on top, and burnt to black crisp on the bottom.  And the smell of burnt sugar...

It was almost enough to make me give up on this whole dessert.

Luckily, on the third try, I turned on some music, got my housework done, and settled into this project with no other distractions nearby.  I gave this my full attention and managed to not-burn this batch.

So... my advice to you is to concentrate and devote an extra ounce of patient and diligence to this dessert because otherwise, you can have disastrous and awful-smelling results.

Getting back to the taste, you can definitely taste the carrot, but it's unlike anyway I've ever experienced carrot before.  It's not a carrot cake taste, but even sweeter.

Plus, you feel like you're eating something semi-healthy because it's basically a vegetable.

This kind of dessert makes me want to explore more Turkish goods and recipes!

Carrot Cezerye

3 cups shredded carrot
1/2 cup water
1 cup sugar
1/2 flaked coconut
1/2 cup thinly-sliced pistachios
Flaked coconut for garnish

Place carrots in large saute pan with water and boil on medium heat until carrots until soft, about 20 minutes.  Remove from heat and use a masher or emulsifier to mash/puree carrots.

Return to medium heat and add sugar.  Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until the water evaporates and a sticky paste forms, about 30 minutes.

While the carrot mixture is cooking, line an 8x8 pan with waxed paper.

When the carrot mixture is done cooking, stir in coconut and pistachios and transfer to the 8x8 pan.  Use a spatula to flatten the mixture.

Place in the refrigerator and cool for at least one hour.

Cut the mixture into small squares and roll the bar in flaked coconut,

Keep chilled until ready to serve.

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