Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween Candy Cookies

Ahh, halloween is over.

Rest and relaxation is on the horizon, at least for a couple weeks.

Don't get me wrong.  I love halloween.  I love the spooky decorations, the trick-or-treating, the haunted houses, and all the scary movies that pop up on television for my viewing pleasure.  I love dressing up with friends like a bunch of idiots and prancing around in public with absolutely no shame.

Halloween brings a lot of stress, too.  What to wear?  Costume:  store-bought or homemade?  What parties should we attend?  Food?  Drinks?

So many choices.

But, the biggest caveat, by far, is the candy.

And, the opposite of will power that comes with candy.

I buy candy for the sole purpose of distributing to all of the costume-clad children.  It does not sit in my house before trick-or-treating.  And, I don't keep it around after Halloween either.  I don't have the ability to eat one mini candy bar.  I have this absolutely wretched habit of trying to satisfy my sweet tooth cravings by estimating how many fun-sized candies would equal one standard sized bar.  Which means, I always overcompensate, leading to eat six or seven minis instead of one regular candy bars.

Every day.

So, these cookies have been a true miracle for me.

It's a creative way to bake a tasty batch of cookies for friends and family while depleting your supply of unwanted and needed sweets.

Now, to be fair, this is generally the only time I buy store-bought cookie dough.  It happens only once or twice a year, but I don't really see the need to go all out for the best cookie dough recipe when the candy bar is obviously going to be the shining star of the show.  You can absolutely substitute your go-to cookie recipe from scratch, but I don't mind splurging on store-bought a couple times a year.

Either way, try this out and use up that mountain of candy today!

Halloween Candy Cookies

2 batches store-bought cookie dough.
Assorted fun-sized Halloween candy

Preheat 350F.

On a cookie sheet, lay out one batch of cookie dough.  Flatten each cookie slightly so it's about 2-3" wide.

Take one fun-sized candy and cut into small pieces.  Arrange the candy on top of the cookie dough.  I used Snickers, Milky Ways, M&Ms and Reese's.  You can use one candy bar for each cookie, or mix candy pieces if you prefer.

Take a square of the second batch of cookie dough and flatten it out on top of the candy.  Press the edges of the two cookies together to enclose the candy pieces.  Repeat with the rest of the candy and cookie dough.

Bake for 10-12 minutes.

Listening to:   Guns 'N Roses - November Rain

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