My family, like most, is compromised of a bunch of quirky folks.
You know what I mean. Like my mom who cabbage patches at least twice a day and tells me on a fairly regular basis how sexy she thinks Tom Selleck is (insert dry heave here).
Or, my brother, who can do a spot-on impression of anyone and everyone and will randomly bust out a movie quote at will. It's amazing the kinds of things you can get away with saying in public when you say it like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys.
My Grams, she can take any song on the radio (ANY song) and choreograph a line dance to it. And, even though she's allergic to nuts, she will drive out of her way to the only supermarket in the area with dark chocolate Reese's (ok, maybe she does that for me more than her).
My dad, well, he's a curiosity. I'm actually a lot more like him than I care to admit. We both have raging tempers and money-wise, we're tighter than bark to a tree. We don't like things that are disorganized, late or in any way, shape or form not how we want them to be.
We also toy with weird, transient obsessions from time-to-time. For me, you're reading mine. I'm obsessed with cooking, baking, crafting and all things Martha Stewart defines as 'good things'.
My dad's got two new obsessions in his life. Gardening and grapefruit.
He's turned our old horse pasture into a giant garden. Things are already starting to sprout. He's even convinced his friends to do the same and they are all having a garden competition to see who's got the greener thumb.
Grapefruit has been a thing of his for years, but it's out of control now. In fact, the only reason I was able to attempt Pompelmocello early this year (highly recommended success, by the way) was because there was a crate of grapefruits sitting at my parents' house.
I took a couple more to try this recipe out. It came out really good. So good, in fact, that I gave my dad a jar to try a couple days ago and it's already almost gone!
Grapefruit Marmalade
3 grapefruits
3 cups water
3 1/2 cups sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice
Peel the outermost layer of the peel away from the grapefruit, careful not to use any pith.
Place the peel in the water in a large pot. Cut the fruit out of the middle portion avoiding any of the white pith or the dividing membranes.
Add the sugar and bring the water to a boil. Boil for one minute, then reduce the heat to simmer. Continue for about an hour. Remove from heat and stir in the lemon juice. Let cool.
Pour into sterilized jars, following proper canning instructions.
Listening to: Anna Nalick - Breathe
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